"Spider-Man: The Return of the Hero" is undoubtedly the most important of Marvel's recent games. Various preheating videos and posters, starring Spider-Man, Tom Hellland, also received interviews to promote new films.
Speaking of Spider-Man, compared to the role of the mighty men like the Americans and the Iron Man, it has a lot of twists and turns. Although it is the most popular superhero of the Marvel Comics, Marvel was unable to shoot movies because of its inability to shoot movies. The heroes of the Welcome Heroes sold other companies, such as Fox, who took down the X-Men, and Sony took Spider-Man.
However, after the Disney acquisition of Marvel, Marvel Super Hero movies are very popular, but the copyright of Spider-Man is still in the hands of Sony. It is very difficult for Marvel to make Spider-Man guest.
However, as Sony agreed to "lend" Spiderman to Marvel, Marvel was able to shoot Spider-Man movies. This led to "Spiderman: The Return of a Hero."
However, because Marvel did not say that Spider-Man will actually make several movies, and Sony has already planned to restart the Spider-Man series, the sinister six-man group, and even a single film of venom and other villains, so Spider-Man can actually play in Marvel's hands. How much "excess heat" has always been a question mark.
However, today's starring Tom Heland accidentally disclosed the sequel when he was receiving a FB live broadcast by a French media. He talked about the future course of Spiderman, and expressed that Peter Parker still has great room for growth, especially in the next two sections. In the movie, Spiderman is also looking forward to a different growth process.
The reporter asked: "What do you mean, really there are 2?".
He replied: "Yes, there will be "Spider-Man 2" and "Spider-Man 3". I'm sorry to say Man Wei~~
Interested readers can click here (over the wall) to view the interview video.
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