Saving energy and reducing consumption: Shenzhen is once again ahead

In May 2005, at the 4th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in Shenzhen, Li Hongzhong, the secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee who had just taken office, published a speech on the war. He analyzed that after more than 20 years of rapid development, Shenzhen is facing a serious situation of “unsustainable” land, energy, population and environmental carrying capacity. Li Hongzhong said that these four "unsustainable" are the bottlenecks of Shenzhen's development. In various occasions since then, Li Hongzhong has repeatedly pointed out that in order to break through this bottleneck, Shenzhen must establish a new concept of resources, develop a circular economy, build a resource-saving and environment-friendly city, and plant a “high-yield field”. The maximum harvest is achieved with minimal energy consumption. This is the “Huashan Road” for the continuous development of Shenzhen.
Today, two years have passed. How is the work of building an energy-saving city in Shenzhen? What has been achieved? The reporter recently visited the heads of relevant departments in Shenzhen and some typical enterprises that save energy and reduce consumption. I am delighted to see that in the new round of competition to implement the scientific concept of development, Shenzhen once again took the lead in the times.
Energy saving and consumption reduction is a model. This is a company that the reporter visited to produce glass bottles from waste glass: into the factory area and workshop, it was found to be a garden-type factory. The sewage from cleaning the waste glass can be used for fish culture, flower planting and sanitation after repeated filtration. This alone reduces the annual consumption of new water by 36,000 tons. What is even more amazing is: 200,000 tons of waste glass discarded every year in Shenzhen, this company can digest 90,000 tons, and can reduce the landfill volume of 75,000 tons per year for Shenzhen. The company, called Huajing Glass Bottle Company, is a typical and microcosm of Shenzhen's energy-saving and resource-saving cities.
Shenzhen has both energy-saving and consumption-reducing households such as Huajing, and there are more energy-saving small households that start with one-degree electricity and one drop of water. But the savings they generate may surprise you. According to the statistics of Shenzhen Donghua Holiday Hotel, which is the only comprehensive energy-saving project demonstration unit in the hotel industry in Shenzhen, the hotel has implemented comprehensive energy-saving renovation since 2002, strictly eliminating the phenomenon of “run, run, drip, leak” and save annually. The electricity consumption is 520,000 kWh and the diesel fuel is 86,000 liters. The annual energy saving cost is more than 700,000 yuan.
Numerous examples show that in recent years, through a series of measures such as government support, project demonstration, and publicity training, Shenzhen has made efforts to promote the steady development of energy-saving and consumption-reducing work in the city. The energy-saving and consumption-reducing work has achieved remarkable results, and resource-saving cities have begun to take shape. .
In 2006, the comprehensive energy consumption of Shenzhen's 10,000 yuan GDP, an important indicator of “green GDP”, fell from 0.55 tons of standard coal to 0.53 tons of standard coal, a decrease of about 3.7%. According to estimates, Shenzhen's comprehensive energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP is only one-third of the national average, lower than many cities in China and even internationally. The city's GDP per capita water consumption is 31.98 cubic meters, down 8.86% over the same period of the previous year; the output value per square kilometer of land is 131 million yuan, up 13.5% year-on-year, basically reaching the goal of “high-yield fields”; recycling and recycling resources in Shenzhen The work is also ahead of the country. The main industrial waste residue in Shenzhen, the annual discharge of fly ash is about 300,000 tons, of which more than 90% are sorted out and used directly for basic construction, and a small amount is used by some light wall material manufacturers in Shenzhen. The comprehensive utilization rate of fly ash in the city is as high as 98%, which is 35 percentage points higher than the national average utilization level!
In recent years, Shenzhen has successively identified four pillar industries of high-tech, finance, logistics and culture, all of which are capital-intensive, technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive industries at the expense of resource consumption. According to statistics, the current proportion of industrial electricity consumption in Shenzhen is only about 58% of the total electricity consumption in the whole society, far below the national proportion of 70%.
The four major problems "forced" out of Shenzhen's energy-saving and consumption-reducing work can be at the forefront of the country, and it is largely forced out.
As early as January 13, 2005, at the eleventh (expansion) meeting of the third session of the municipal party committee held in Shenzhen, Li Hongzhong first summarized the pressure he felt personally that Shenzhen is facing land, energy, environment and population. Four "unsustainable" problems. He did not hide his anxiety that Shenzhen will continue to develop according to the traditional model: "If we simply calculate according to the current consumption level, Shenzhen's GDP will reach 1 trillion yuan, which will take up 90% of the city's land area and consume 3 times of current hydropower and Environmental resources, we can't afford this price."
Where is the way out? In a series of meetings since then, Li Hongzhong repeatedly pointed out that circular economy and independent innovation are the answer to the problem of Shenzhen's "four unsustainable problems" and the next peak for Shenzhen to climb. Shenzhen must re-examine the concept of resources and update the concept of resources in accordance with the requirements of implementing the scientific development concept. Natural resources are limited, and intangible resources are infinite. Any value and use value that is conducive to growth and development is considered a resource. For example, institutions, technology, reform and innovation, management, and culture are all resources and are more important resources. The municipal party committee and other leaders of the municipal government have repeatedly stressed: "Shenzhen does not have too many natural resources that can be dependent on it. Only by changing the concept of development, we have excavated large oil fields, large forests and large coal mines in the minds of people. Under the conditions of developing a new path of the economy." This new concept has opened up many people's ideas and has aroused great interest. Policy guidance is the basic role of the basic government in giving full play to policy guidance, project demonstration, publicity and training, and is the most fundamental work for promoting energy conservation and consumption reduction in Shenzhen.
As early as 4 years ago, Shenzhen took the lead in introducing the implementation plan for energy conservation work in the country. Later, it successively formulated and promulgated regulations and policies on comprehensive utilization of resources, management measures for recycling of renewable resources, and implementation opinions on cleaner production. Shenzhen not only developed a number of local energy conservation regulations in light of local conditions, but also actively formulated energy conservation policies and action plans, and established energy-saving mechanisms that focus on practical operations. “Implementation Plan for Promoting Energy Conservation in Shenzhen”, “Regulations on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Key Energy-using Units in Shenzhen”, “Implementation Plan for Energy-saving Actions of 18 Government-level Financial Support Units in Shenzhen in 2003”, “100 Cities in Shenzhen” "Implementation Plan for Energy-saving Actions of Large Power Enterprises", "Interim Provisions on Energy-Saving Operation and Maintenance Management of Central Air-Conditioning System in Shenzhen", the first local regulations on building energy-saving in China, "Regulations on Building Energy-Saving Management in Shenzhen", etc., is to promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in Shenzhen. Some representative examples of a series of documents and action plans developed at work.
In order to implement the energy conservation and consumption reduction work, the Shenzhen Municipal Government has also established a resource conservation coordination mechanism with the deputy mayor as the team leader and 29 relevant department heads, and decomposed the tasks and responsibilities of resource conservation into various layers. Departments, units. Relevant departments and units have formulated their own resource conservation activities and put them into practice.
In order to vigorously promote energy conservation and consumption reduction, and establish a sense of energy conservation and consumption reduction of enterprises, the relevant departments of the Shenzhen Municipal Government have established a reward and punishment policy of “both hard-working”: financial subsidies for enterprises that save energy and reduce consumption, among which the provisions stipulate energy conservation. Excellent enterprises that reduce consumption awards can be awarded 100,000 yuan; enterprises that apply for bank loans for energy conservation and consumption reduction projects can be given full interest subsidies for one-year project loans after being identified and accepted; Enterprises that are inefficient in management and energy use will first limit their use of electricity when peaking peaks.
Yue Lei, director of the Shenzhen Trade and Industry Bureau Resource Office, told reporters that Shenzhen allocates 5 million to 8 million yuan each year from the municipal energy fund to support the development of energy-saving products and energy-saving projects. According to estimates, the energy investment ratio of the energy-saving industry can reach 1:40. In 2006, Shenzhen completed a discount of 1.74 million yuan, driving social funds about 28 million yuan. From 2001 to 2006, Shenzhen completed a discount of 13.91 million yuan, driving social funds about 530 million yuan into various energy-saving transformation and product development. The Resource Office is also among the more than 100,000 enterprises in the city, and selects 200 enterprises with the top electricity consumption in the city. The government will fund the energy-saving renovation plan for free, and provide free training to support and promote energy-saving renovation.
The concept of change is the key "To do a good job in energy conservation and consumption reduction, the key is that the responsible person of the enterprise should change the concept." This is repeatedly emphasized by Yue Lei in an interview with reporters.
Yue Lei said very straightforwardly: "Now some of the responsible persons of the government and enterprises are very backward in their development philosophy. When it comes to development, they think of incremental, that is, how many projects are going on. It is rare to think about saving energy and reducing consumption. The existing potential," he said for example: "Now there are power shortages in many parts of the country, but it is often a new power plant that lacks electricity, not thinking about how to save energy."
Why can Huajing Glass Bottle Company become a typical example of energy saving and consumption reduction in Shenzhen and even the whole country? One of the most prominent impressions of the reporter is that the person in charge of this company attaches great importance to energy conservation and consumption reduction. Hu Junmin, chairman and general manager of Huajing Company, left a deep impression on the reporter. He said: "We Huajing is a high-energy-consuming company, and the energy consumption can determine the life and death of the company."
In order to reduce energy consumption, in recent years, Huajing has invested a total of 30 million yuan to carry out energy conservation and consumption reduction work. Through the comprehensive utilization of resources, energy conservation and environmental protection, the company's annual economic benefits have increased by more than 25 million yuan.
The average person usually thinks that it is a waste of effort to save more energy and reduce consumption. The practice of Huajing Company tells people that this idea is completely wrong! The input-output ratio of energy saving and consumption reduction will make people stunned. Here is just a simple example: Huajing's fans, air compressors and pumps use a relatively large amount of electricity. In order to save electricity, Huajing invested 1.9 million yuan in recent years, widely adopting AC frequency technology, saving 2.1 million per year. Degree, saving electricity costs nearly 1.5 million yuan, in less than a year and a half to recover the cost of input.
Why can Donghua Holiday Hotel become the only energy-saving demonstration enterprise in Shenzhen hotel industry? The key is that the person in charge of the hotel attaches great importance to energy saving. The chairman of the hotel, Yu Zhiqun’s understanding of the significance of energy saving and consumption reduction, let the reporter listen to the education and moved. He said: “Energy saving can not only bring huge economic benefits to enterprises, it is also a social responsibility. Only when energy conservation and environmental protection are done well can society and enterprises develop harmoniously and sustainably."
It is precisely because of the concept of energy saving and consumption reduction by Chairman Yu Zhiqun that the measures for energy saving and consumption reduction are very nuanced. As small as one degree of electricity, a drop of water, a sizzling heat, are reluctant to waste, have to line up with Changdonghua Hotel is a four-star standard hotel, in 2000, used a 24-hour rolling escalator. However, the hotel does not use the escalator for 24 hours, and most of the time the escalators are idling. The chairman of the board saw too much time and pain in the idling of the escalator. Therefore, the introduction of frequency conversion technology and infrared plus phase control technology, so that the escalator will only turn when someone is there, can automatically stop when no one. Although it took only one year to save more than 30,000 degrees.
Science and technology are guarantees that energy conservation and consumption reduction will undoubtedly require the support and promotion of high-tech. Shenzhen is a city with a high-tech output value accounting for more than 50% of the total industrial output value. There are many independent innovations and many high-tech achievements. This has obtained reliable guarantee and support for energy conservation and consumption reduction.
Shenzhen has always attached great importance to supporting and promoting energy conservation and consumption reduction of enterprises with high and new technology. During the 10th Five-Year Plan period, the Shenzhen Municipal Science and Technology Bureau funded 168 projects for the development of circular economy research activities with energy conservation and consumption reduction as the core. The total amount of funding was 110 million yuan, with an average annual rate of 22.5 million yuan. During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, the bureau plans to significantly increase the funding to not less than 100 million yuan per year.
Yu Zhiqun told reporters that Donghua Hotel's energy-saving and consumption-reducing work should be said to be very important, that is, to pay attention to tracking the latest energy-saving technologies and equipment launched in the market, and relying on the road of scientific and technological progress to save energy, seeing that there is suitable The advanced and practical energy-saving technologies and equipment used by the hotel are boldly introduced. The hotel adopts the technology of central air-conditioning waste heat recovery to produce hot water, and uses the heat inside the central air conditioner to produce hot water, saving 130,000 to 150,000 liters of diesel per year, saving more than 700,000 yuan; lighting of high-star hotels is The big item of power consumption. In the past, the lighting configuration of each room in Donghua Hotel reached 1500 watts. The hotel's energy-saving technicians found that there is an energy-saving T5 lamp on the market. As long as 700 watts per room is configured, the lighting effect of the past can be achieved. This small technological improvement has enabled the hotel to save 1.2 million kWh per year.
Huajing Company has tasted the sweetness of technology energy conservation. In 2003, Huajing Company invested 18 million yuan to carry out large-scale energy-saving technical transformation of the original glass kiln. Adopting advanced glass kiln design standards and leading kiln energy-saving technology, the kiln is fully sealed, comprehensively insulated, and the thermal efficiency is improved, so that heavy oil consumption is greatly reduced by 20%, reaching the domestic leading level. This energy-saving technology transformation can save 2,000 tons of heavy oil every year and save more than 6 million yuan.
In Shenzhen, companies such as Huajing and Donghua Hotels that use advanced science and technology to achieve significant results in energy conservation and consumption reduction are numerous. The relevant person in charge of the Shenzhen Municipal Trade and Industry Bureau told the reporter that in order to accelerate the development and application of energy-saving and renewable energy technologies, the bureau is studying and formulating relevant measures to select a number of advanced and applicable energy-saving technologies and products, including solar water heaters and solar power generation. Equipment, solar lighting, air source heat pump water heater, water source heat pump air conditioner, central air conditioning waste heat utilization, etc., give support or subsidies, further increase the development and promotion of energy conservation and consumption reduction technology application, so that energy saving technology will generate a larger society Economic benefits.

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