ROS and Matlab series: UAV visual control in vrep simulator

Drone vision control

Next, we will connect the control program of matlab and simul ink to the robot real-time simulation software through ROS, mainly to obtain camera images and realize visual feedback.

For the vrep simulation software settings, please refer to the zhangrelay series of blogs:

(1) Comparative introduction:
Introduction and effects of common simulation software for robot systems

(2) Indigo version installation steps:
Robot operating system ROS (indigo) and 3D simulation software V-Rep (3.2.1) communication interface use notes

(3) Kinetic version installation problem correction:
ROS_Kinetic_17 uses V-Rep3.3.1 (vrep_ros_bridge)

ROS_Kinetic_18 Continued with V-Rep3.3.1 and Matlab2015b (vrep_ros_bridge)

Drone vision control
Drone vision control
Drone vision control
1. Vrep load ros interface path problem correction
After vrep_ros_bridge is successfully installed, running ./ can be loaded automatically, and the aircraft movement is controlled by sending commands to the ROS theme /vrep/quadrotor_0/command, but first you need to solve a small problem:

(vrep load link library path lookup problem)
Go to the folder V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_3_1_Linux/compiledRosPlugins

Copy to
V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_3_1_Linux root directory, the problem is solved!
Send instructions via Matlab:

You will see the plane moving.

But don't you still think that the plane is strangely moving? This is because vrep_ros_bridge uses the 6DOF dynamics model, and the aircraft moves once every command command is received. In vrep, the dynamic model of the quadrotor is not given. The aircraft is subjected to gravity of about 13N (the result of my experiment, the pulling force is 13N when the aircraft is hovering), and the moment of inertia is unknown, so it is very inconvenient to simulate. Can be modified in matlab, now mainly introduces the problem of data interface.

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