Hair dryer working principle and circuit diagram

Hair dryer construction and working principle are mainly used for hair drying and shaping, but it can also be used for local drying, heating and physiotherapy in laboratories, physiotherapy rooms, industrial production, art and other aspects. A cosmetic appliance for hair drying and shaping. Hair dryer-construction hair dryer is mainly composed of outer casing, electric motor, fan blade and electric heating hair dryer. The working principle is mainly used for hair drying and shaping, but it can also be used in laboratories, physiotherapy rooms, industrial production, art and so on. Partial drying, heating and physiotherapy. A cosmetic appliance for hair drying and shaping.

Hair Dryer - The construction of the hair dryer is mainly composed of a casing, an electric motor, a fan blade and an electric heating element. The outer casing is not only a structural protective layer but also a surface fitting. It requires a beautiful shape and light weight. Generally, it is chrome-plated or pressed with engineering plastic after being punched with a metal sheet. Permanent magnet motors and series-excited motors have high speeds and are mostly used for axial-flow hair dryers; inductive motors have low rotational speeds and are mostly used in centrifugal hair dryers. The blades are made of sheet metal or plastic and require a large amount of air, high efficiency, and low wind damage. The electric heating element is generally formed by winding a nickel-chromium wire on a porcelain or mica holder, and most of the electric heating elements are provided with an overheat protection device and the heating temperature can be adjusted. The newer type of hair dryer uses a PTC element as an electric heating element, which itself has an overheat protection function.
Hair dryer - working principle The motor and the blade are directly connected. After the power is turned on, the motor drives the fan blade to rotate. The air sucked in from the air inlet passes through the electric heating element and is controlled by the switch to become hot air or cold air sent from the air outlet. Usually, only when the motor is energized, the heating element can be turned on to avoid overheating and damage. The simple method of adjusting the air temperature by the blower is to rotate the baffle on the outer casing; when there is a control switch, the temperature can be adjusted by the splitter; when the PTC component is used, the temperature can be automatically controlled. Some hair dryers achieve stepless adjustment of wind temperature and air volume by changing the external power supply voltage. It is a combination of a set of heating wire and a small fan. When the power is applied, the heating wire generates heat, and the wind blown by the fan passes through the heating wire, and becomes hot air. If only a small fan rotates, and the heating wire is not hot, then the wind is only hot and not hot. The wind blown by the hair dryer is dry wind. If it is used for too long, it will easily cause water loss and heat damage. The secret of minimizing the damage is to use the towel to pat the moisture on the hair first. Combing your hair and then use a hair dryer.
Hair dryer - circuit diagram

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Silica Soil Casting Parts

The first process of Investment Casting production is the manufacture of investment mold, investment mold is used to form the cavity in the refractory shell model, so in order to obtain the casting with high dimensional accuracy and surface finish, the investment mold itself should have high dimensional accuracy and surface finish. In addition, the performance of the melt itself should also make the subsequent shell making process as simple as possible. In order to obtain the above high quality requirements of the investment die, in addition to good pressure (pressing the investment die), but also must choose the appropriate mold material (referred to as the mold) and reasonable mold making process.

The advantage of the investment casting method is that it can cast complex castings of various alloys, especially high temperature alloy castings. For example, the blade of jet engine, its streamlined outer profile and cooling inner cavity, with machining process almost impossible to form. Investment casting process can not only achieve mass production, ensure the consistency of castings, but also avoid the stress concentration of residual blade lines after machining.

The biggest advantage of investment casting is that because investment casting has a very high dimensional accuracy and surface finish, so it can reduce the machining work, just leave a little machining allowance in the parts requiring higher parts, and even some castings only leave grinding and polishing allowance, without mechanical processing can be used. It can be seen that the investment casting method can greatly save machine tools, processing time and metal raw materials.

silica soil casting parts, Precise dimension

Tianhui Machine Co.,Ltd ,

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